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Sold outSave 40%Chasuble with wide collar with embroidered NSPJ and Eucharistic chaliceOrnat haftowany Serce Pana Jezusa i Kielich KOR/118 ECRU - ORNATY.PL
Save 30%Embroidered chasuble with the motif of the Heart of Jesus and the Eucharistic cupEmbroidered chasuble with the motif of the Heart of Jesus and the Eucharistic cup
Save 30%Ornat bogato haftowany z symbolem Sercem Pana Jezusa i PAX - Ecru - ORNATY.PLChasuble richly embroidered with the symbol of the Heart of Jesus and PAX - Ecru
Save 15%Chasuble with embroidery of the Eucharistic chalice in ecruChasuble with embroidery of the Eucharistic chalice in ecru
Chasuble with embroidery of the Eucharistic chalice in ecru Sale price€759,25 Regular price€893,24
Save 15%Ornat z haftowanym symbolem kielicha ecruOrnat z haftowanym symbolem kielicha KOR/038 ECRU
Decorated IHS chasuble in ecru Sale price€448,23 Regular price€527,33

Feast of Corpus Christi