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Embroidered red IHS stoleEmbroidered red IHS stole
Embroidered red IHS stole Sale price€260,89
Embroidered stole with crosses greenEmbroidered stole with crosses green
Embroidered stole with ecru crossesEmbroidered stole with ecru crosses
Embroidered stole with Pax, fish and ear ecru motifEmbroidered stole with Pax, fish and ear ecru motif
Embroidered stole with crosses redEmbroidered stole with crosses red
Easter lamb stole sewn on decorative fabricEaster lamb stole sewn on decorative fabric
Embroidered ecru stoleEmbroidered ecru stole
Embroidered ecru stole Sale price€100,36
Embroidered stole with the image of the Holy Family for ChristmasEmbroidered stole with the image of the Holy Family for Christmas
Embroidered Marian stole with the image of Our Lady of FatimaEmbroidered Marian stole with the image of Our Lady of Fatima
Embroidered stole with the image of the Holy Family for ChristmasEmbroidered stole with the image of the Holy Family for Christmas
Embroidered Marian stole with the image of Our Lady ImmaculateEmbroidered Marian stole with the image of Our Lady Immaculate
Stuła haftowana z wizerunkiem Ojca PioStuła haftowana z wizerunkiem Ojca Pio
Stuła haftowana z wizerunkiem Świętego FlorianaStuła haftowana z wizerunkiem Świętego Floriana
Stuła haftowana z wizerunkiem Świętego FlorianaStuła haftowana z wizerunkiem Świętego Floriana
Stuła Rzymska z haftem krzyżaStuła Rzymska z haftem krzyża
Stuła Rzymska z haftemStuła Rzymska z haftem
Stuła Rzymska z haftem Sale price€194,89
Embroidered priest's stole with grape and ear motif in ecru
Priest's stole embroidered Fish Bread Cross in ecru
Priest's stole chalice IHS ecru
Embroidered Stele of Mary ecru
Embroidered Stele of Mary ecru Sale price€111,36
Embroidered stole Cross, grapes, Alpha and Omega ecru
Embroidered stole decorated with IHS ecru
Embroidered stole Marian motif with ecru crown
Embroidered priest's stole Cross and IHS ecru
Embroidered priest's stole Cross ecru
Embroidered stole IHS and chalice ecruEmbroidered stole IHS and chalice ecru
Chalice, Spikes and Grapes stole in ecru
Embroidered stole IHS ecru
Embroidered stole IHS ecru Sale price€125,28
Embroidered Stele of Mary ecruEmbroidered Stele of Mary ecru
Embroidered Stele of Mary ecru Sale price€170,52
Embroidered stole with the Heart of Jesus
Embroidered stole Cross ecru
Embroidered stole Cross ecru Sale price€180,96
Priestly stole embroidered cross with grapes ecru
Embroidered stole IHS on cross ecru
Embroidered priest's stole with decorated cross in ecru
Długa stuła haftowana Ślubna w kolorze kremowym - ORNATY.PL
Embroidered ecru wedding stole
Embroidered ecru wedding stole Sale price€142,67
Embroidered stole John Paul IIEmbroidered stole John Paul II
Embroidered stole John Paul II Sale price€151,79
Embroidered priest's stole with fish pattern in ecru colour
Embroidered priest's stole Cross ecru
IHS embroidered priest's stole with ecru grapes
Alpha and Omega ecru embroidered priest's stole
Embroidered stole of grapes and ears in ecru
Priest's stole with IHS embroidery
Alpha and Omega ecru embroidered priest's stole
Priestly stole Merciful Jesus, Jesus I trust in you ecru
Priest's stole with embroidery of the Cross and Lamb
Embroidered Stele of Mary ecru
Priestly stole embroidered ecru Cross of Jerusalem
IHS embroidered stole
IHS embroidered stole Sale price€69,60
IHS embroidered stole in goldIHS embroidered stole in gold
IHS embroidered stole in gold Sale price€155,77

Ecru Stoles