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Chasuble with embroidered cross, Alpha and Omega motifs and ears in greenChasuble with embroidered cross, Alpha and Omega motifs and ears in green
Chasuble with richly embroidered belt and collar in greenChasuble with richly embroidered belt and collar in green
Chasuble with embroidered cross and ear motifs in greenChasuble with embroidered cross and ear motifs in green
Green dalmatics with gold Pax cross embroideryGreen dalmatics with gold Pax cross embroidery
Green chasuble with cross and fish embroideryGreen chasuble with cross and fish embroidery
Green chasuble embroidered with IHS chalice designGreen chasuble embroidered with IHS chalice design
Green chasuble embroidered with cross motifGreen chasuble embroidered with cross motif
Green chasuble with Alpha Omega embroideryGreen chasuble with Alpha Omega embroidery
Green chasuble with embroidery of the Cross and SpikesGreen chasuble with embroidery of the Cross and Spikes
Green embroidered chasuble with gold IHS motifGreen embroidered chasuble with gold IHS motif
Green embroidered chasuble with CrossGreen embroidered chasuble with Cross
Embroidered chasuble with IHS symbol grapes GreenEmbroidered chasuble with IHS symbol grapes Green
Green liturgical chasuble decorated with gold embroidered beltGreen liturgical chasuble decorated with gold embroidered belt
Green chasuble with gold IHS embroideryGreen chasuble with gold IHS embroidery
Bogato zdobiony zielony ornat z złotym motywem i szerokim pasem IHS - ORNATY.PLRichly decorated green chasuble with gold motif and wide IHS band
Green chasuble with wide embroidered gold stripe IHS crossGreen chasuble with wide embroidered gold stripe IHS cross
Green embroidered chasuble with IHS CrossGreen embroidered chasuble with IHS Cross
Green chasuble embroidered with IHS motifGreen chasuble embroidered with IHS motif
Green chasuble with gold cross embroideryGreen chasuble with gold cross embroidery
Green chasuble on belt with IHS embroidery, ears and grapesGreen chasuble on belt with IHS embroidery, ears and grapes
Green chasuble embroidered with cross and ear motifsGreen chasuble embroidered with cross and ear motifs
Green liturgical chasuble decorated with embroidered belt
Green chasuble with IHS and PAX embroideryGreen chasuble with IHS and PAX embroidery
Green chasuble with gold IHS embroidery and decorative trimGreen chasuble with gold IHS embroidery and decorative trim
Green liturgical chasuble decorated with embroidery on velvetGreen liturgical chasuble decorated with embroidery on velvet
Green chasuble with decorated gold belt with IHS and earsGreen chasuble with decorated gold belt with IHS and ears
Green chasuble with hanging embroidered belt and 500 stones
Green chasuble richly embroidered with stonesGreen chasuble richly embroidered with stones
Green chasuble decorated with 500 stones with narrow band
Green chasuble richly embroidered with string and stonesGreen chasuble richly embroidered with string and stones
Green chasuble richly embroidered glossyGreen chasuble richly embroidered glossy
Embroidered chasuble in green
Embroidered chasuble in green Sale price€298,29
Green chasuble richly embroidered lustreGreen chasuble richly embroidered lustre
Embroidered chasuble Green Chalice GrapeEmbroidered chasuble Green Chalice Grape
Chasuble with shiny embroidery in greenChasuble with shiny embroidery in green
Embroidered chasuble Green with Cross MosaicEmbroidered chasuble Green with Cross Mosaic
JHS green chasuble with raised embroidery
Embroidered chasuble Green Alpha and OmegaEmbroidered chasuble Green Alpha and Omega
Embroidered chasuble Green with Cross motifEmbroidered chasuble Green with Cross motif
Embroidered chasuble Green motif of Alpha and OmegaEmbroidered chasuble Green motif of Alpha and Omega
Ornat haftowany z symbolem IHS Zielony - ORNATY.PLEmbroidered chasuble with IHS symbol Green
Embroidered chasuble Green cross Gold stripesEmbroidered chasuble Green cross Gold stripes
Embroidered chasuble Golden Crosses Green
Embroidered chasuble IHS Green Decorative Fabric
Ornat haftowany Zielony z Ozdobnym Pasem - ORNATY.PL
Embroidered chasuble Green Decorative Belt with Crosses
Embroidered chasuble Green with Cross motif
Embroidered chasuble Green Little CrossEmbroidered chasuble Green Little Cross
Chasuble embroidered on velvet with the symbol of the Green CrossChasuble embroidered on velvet with the symbol of the Green Cross
Chasuble with green velvet belt and cross embroideryChasuble with green velvet belt and cross embroidery

Green Chasubles