Embroidered lectern napkin with IHS motif and cross
Sale price€152,74
Serviette for lectionary with gold cross embroidery
Sale price€112,68
Embroidered lectern napkin with IHS symbol
Sale price€109,37
Embroidered Heart of Jesus Christ lectionary napkin
Sale price€140,52
Embroidered Vestment with Dove and Flame Symbol
Sale price€175,63
Napkin for lectorium embroidered with motif of Cross and Spikes
Sale price€140,52
Embroidered Cross and Pax lectionary napkin
Sale price€175,65
Gold embroidered lectionary napkin I JHS
Sale price€140,52
Embroidered lectern napkin with PAX motif
Sale price€106,63
Embroidered lectern napkin with cross and IHS motif
Sale price€122,62
Vestment for lectorium with embroidered PAX symbol
Sale price€175,65
Embroidered lectern napkin with IHS motif
Sale price€140,52