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Chasuble richly embroidered floral motif with crosses EcruChasuble richly embroidered floral motif with crosses Ecru
Save 15%Embroidered chasuble with hanging belt 500 stonesEmbroidered chasuble with hanging belt 500 stones
Embroidered chasuble with hanging belt 500 stones Sale price€1.084,43 Regular price€1.275,81
Save 15%Ornat złoty bogato haftowany dekorowany kamieniami - ORNATY.PLGold chasuble richly embroidered decorated with stones
Gold chasuble richly embroidered decorated with stones Sale price€697,71 Regular price€820,83
Save 15%Ornat zdobiony 500 kamieniami z wąskim pasem w kolorze ecru - ORNATY.PLChasuble decorated with 500 stones with a narrow band in ecru
Chasuble decorated with 500 stones with a narrow band in ecru Sale price€1.169,59 Regular price€1.375,99
Save 20%Chasuble with embroidered Marian beltChasuble with embroidered Marian belt
Chasuble with embroidered Marian belt Sale price€527,36 Regular price€659,21
Save 15%Gold chasuble richly embroidered decorated with stonesGold chasuble richly embroidered decorated with stones
Gold chasuble richly embroidered decorated with stones Sale price€1.704,83 Regular price€2.005,69
Save 15%Chasuble richly embroidered with stonesChasuble richly embroidered with stones
Chasuble richly embroidered with stones Sale price€969,63 Regular price€1.140,75
Save 15%Chasuble of shiny fabric richly embroidered in redChasuble of shiny fabric richly embroidered in red
Chasuble of shiny fabric richly embroidered in red Sale price€437,15 Regular price€514,31
Save 15%Rosary-inspired shiny fabric chasuble in ecruRosary-inspired shiny fabric chasuble in ecru
Rosary-inspired shiny fabric chasuble in ecru Sale price€437,15 Regular price€514,31
Save 15%Błyszczący ornat z bogato zdobionym złotym haftem - ORNATY.PLGlittering chasuble with richly decorated gold embroidery
Glittering chasuble with richly decorated gold embroidery Sale price€849,19 Regular price€999,06
Save 15%Ornat bogato haftowany sznurkiem zdobionym kamieniami - ORNATY.PLChasuble richly embroidered with string decorated with stones
Chasuble richly embroidered with string decorated with stones Sale price€755,10 Regular price€888,36
Save 15%Green chasuble with hanging embroidered belt and 500 stonesGreen chasuble with hanging embroidered belt and 500 stones
Green chasuble with hanging embroidered belt and 500 stones Sale price€1.084,43 Regular price€1.275,81
Save 15%Purple chasuble decorated with 500 stones with narrow bandPurple chasuble decorated with 500 stones with narrow band
Purple chasuble decorated with 500 stones with narrow band Sale price€1.169,59 Regular price€1.375,99
Save 15%Czerwony ornat bogato haftowany sznurkiem z kamieniami - ORNATY.PLRed chasuble richly embroidered with rope and stones
Red chasuble richly embroidered with rope and stones Sale price€755,10 Regular price€888,36
Save 15%Green chasuble richly embroidered with stonesGreen chasuble richly embroidered with stones
Green chasuble richly embroidered with stones Sale price€969,63 Regular price€1.140,75
Save 15%Purple chasuble richly embroidered glossyPurple chasuble richly embroidered glossy
Purple chasuble richly embroidered glossy Sale price€849,19 Regular price€999,06
Save 15%Green chasuble decorated with 500 stones with narrow bandGreen chasuble decorated with 500 stones with narrow band
Green chasuble decorated with 500 stones with narrow band Sale price€1.169,59 Regular price€1.375,99
Save 15%Red chasuble richly embroidered with stonesRed chasuble richly embroidered with stones
Red chasuble richly embroidered with stones Sale price€969,63 Regular price€1.140,75
Save 15%Green chasuble richly embroidered with string and stonesGreen chasuble richly embroidered with string and stones
Green chasuble richly embroidered with string and stones Sale price€755,10 Regular price€888,36
Save 15%Green chasuble richly embroidered glossyGreen chasuble richly embroidered glossy
Green chasuble richly embroidered glossy Sale price€849,19 Regular price€999,06
Save 15%Red chasuble richly embroidered glossyRed chasuble richly embroidered glossy
Red chasuble richly embroidered glossy Sale price€849,19 Regular price€999,06
Save 15%Purple chasuble richly embroidered with string and stonesPurple chasuble richly embroidered with string and stones
Purple chasuble richly embroidered with string and stones Sale price€969,63 Regular price€1.140,75
Save 15%Chasuble with shiny ecru embroideryChasuble with shiny ecru embroidery
Chasuble with shiny ecru embroidery Sale price€782,86 Regular price€921,01
Save 15%Chasuble with brilliant red embroideryChasuble with brilliant red embroidery
Chasuble with brilliant red embroidery Sale price€782,86 Regular price€921,01
Save 15%Chasuble with shiny embroidery in greenChasuble with shiny embroidery in green
Chasuble with shiny embroidery in green Sale price€782,86 Regular price€921,01
Save 15%Chasuble with glittering embroidery in purpleChasuble with glittering embroidery in purple
Chasuble with glittering embroidery in purple Sale price€782,86 Regular price€921,01
Save 15%Ornat z błyszczącym haftem w kolorze ecru - ORNATY.PLChasuble with shiny ecru embroidery
Chasuble with shiny ecru embroidery Sale price€782,86 Regular price€921,01
Save 15%Ornat z błyszczącym haftem w kolorze zielonym - ORNATY.PLChasuble with shiny embroidery in green
Chasuble with shiny embroidery in green Sale price€782,86 Regular price€921,01
Save 15%Liturgical chasuble with shiny embroidery in purpleOrnat Liturgiczny z błyszczącym haftem w kolorze fioletowym - ORNATY.PL
Liturgical chasuble with shiny embroidery in purple Sale price€782,86 Regular price€921,01
Save 15%Chasuble embroidered on velvet with the symbol of the Green CrossChasuble embroidered on velvet with the symbol of the Green Cross
Chasuble embroidered on velvet with the symbol of the Green Cross Sale price€1.058,56 Regular price€1.245,36
Save 15%Chasuble with green velvet belt and cross embroideryOrnat z aksamitnym zielonym pasem i haftem krzyży - ORNATY.PL
Chasuble with green velvet belt and cross embroidery Sale price€1.244,39 Regular price€1.464,00
Save 15%Chasuble with red velvet belt and cross embroideryChasuble with red velvet belt and cross embroidery
Chasuble with red velvet belt and cross embroidery Sale price€1.244,39 Regular price€1.464,00
Save 15%Chasuble with velvet purple belt and embroidery of crossesChasuble with velvet purple belt and embroidery of crosses
Chasuble with velvet purple belt and embroidery of crosses Sale price€1.244,39 Regular price€1.464,00
Save 15%Chasuble embroidered on velvet with the symbol of the Red CrossOrnat haftowany na aksamicie z symbolem Krzyż Czerwony - ORNATY.PL
Chasuble embroidered on velvet with the symbol of the Red Cross Sale price€1.058,56 Regular price€1.245,36
Save 15%Chasuble with ecru velvet belt and cross embroideryChasuble with ecru velvet belt and cross embroidery
Chasuble with ecru velvet belt and cross embroidery Sale price€1.244,39 Regular price€1.464,00
Save 15%Chasuble embroidered on velvet with symbol Cross EcruChasuble embroidered on velvet with symbol Cross Ecru
Chasuble embroidered on velvet with symbol Cross Ecru Sale price€1.058,56 Regular price€1.245,36
Save 15%Ornat haftowany na aksamicie z symbolem Krzyż Fioletowy - ORNATY.PLChasuble embroidered on velvet with the symbol of the Purple Cross
Chasuble embroidered on velvet with the symbol of the Purple Cross Sale price€1.058,56 Regular price€1.245,36
Save 15%Chasuble embroidered on velvet with the symbol Cross PinkChasuble embroidered on velvet with the symbol Cross Pink
Chasuble embroidered on velvet with the symbol Cross Pink Sale price€1.058,56 Regular price€1.245,38
Save 15%Chasuble richly embroidered floral motif with crosses GreenChasuble richly embroidered floral motif with crosses Green
Chasuble richly embroidered floral motif with crosses Green Sale price€969,63 Regular price€1.140,75
Save 15%Ornat ecru z motywem IHS i bogato haftowanym kołnierzem - ORNATY.PLOrnat ecru z motywem IHS i bogato haftowanym kołnierzem - ORNATY.PL
Ecru chasuble with IHS motif and richly embroidered collar Sale price€501,99 Regular price€590,58
Save 15%Purple liturgical chasuble decorated with embroidered velvet beltPurple liturgical chasuble decorated with embroidered velvet belt
Save 15%Ecru chasuble richly decorated with IHS motifEcru chasuble richly decorated with IHS motif
Ecru chasuble richly decorated with IHS motif Sale price€987,99 Regular price€1.162,34
Save 40%Red chasuble with embroidered IHS motif on decorative fabricRed chasuble with embroidered IHS motif on decorative fabric
Red chasuble with embroidered IHS motif on decorative fabric Sale price€173,69 Regular price€289,48
Save 40%Chasuble richly embroidered with crosses PurpleChasuble richly embroidered with crosses Purple
Chasuble richly embroidered with crosses Purple Sale price€489,77 Regular price€816,29
Save 40%Ecru chasuble with embroidered IHS motif on decorative fabricEcru chasuble with embroidered IHS motif on decorative fabric
Ecru chasuble with embroidered IHS motif on decorative fabric Sale price€173,69 Regular price€289,48
Save 15%Chasuble richly embroidered with crosses RedChasuble richly embroidered with crosses Red
Chasuble richly embroidered with crosses Red Sale price€969,63 Regular price€1.140,75
Save 40%Purple chasuble with embroidered IHS motif on decorative fabricPurple chasuble with embroidered IHS motif on decorative fabric
Purple chasuble with embroidered IHS motif on decorative fabric Sale price€173,69 Regular price€289,48
Save 20%Marian liturgical chasuble shining with stones LE/7025 ECRUOrnat liturgiczny Maryjny błyszczący z kamieniami LE/7025 ECRU - ORNATY.PL
Marian liturgical chasuble shining with stones LE/7025 ECRU Sale price€736,81 Regular price€921,01
Save 15%Chasuble richly embroidered decorated with red stonesChasuble richly embroidered decorated with red stones
Chasuble richly embroidered decorated with red stones Sale price€1.084,43 Regular price€1.275,81
Save 15%Red chasuble decorated with 500 stones with narrow bandCzerwony ornat zdobiony 500 kamieniami z wąskim pasem - ORNATY.PL
Red chasuble decorated with 500 stones with narrow band Sale price€1.169,59 Regular price€1.375,99

Chasubles Limited Edition