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Chalice linen with delicate cross embroideryChalice linen with delicate cross embroidery
Chalice linen with the Fraconian coat of armsChalice linen with the Fraconian coat of arms
Chalice linen with delicate cross embroideryChalice linen with delicate cross embroidery
Chalice linen with gold motif PAXChalice linen with gold motif PAX
Richly decorated chalice set with IHS motifRichly decorated chalice set with IHS motif
Bielizna kielichowa z haftowanym symbolem IHS - ORNATY.PLChalice linen with embroidered IHS symbol
Chalice linen with cross and fish symbolChalice linen with cross and fish symbol
Komplet kielichowy z złotym motywem kielicha - ORNATY.PLChalice set with golden chalice motif
Bielizna kielichowa lniana z haftem krzyża jerozolimskiego - ORNATY.PLLinen chalice linen with Jerusalem cross embroidery
Chalice linen with rich gold embroideryChalice linen with rich gold embroidery
Bielizna kielichowa lniana z delikatnym złotym haftem kielicha - ORNATY.PLLinen chalice linen with delicate gold chalice embroidery
Christmas linen embroidered chalice linenChristmas linen embroidered chalice linen
Bielizna kielichowa lniana z złotym haftem maryjnym - ORNATY.PLLinen chalice linen with gold Marian embroidery
Linen chalice linen with cross and IHS motifLinen chalice linen with cross and IHS motif
Bielizna kielichowa lniana haftowana z wzorem IHS - ORNATY.PLLinen chalice linen embroidered with IHS design
Komplet kielichowy bogato haftowany z motywem IHS - ORNATY.PLChalice set richly embroidered with IHS motif
Simple linen cup linenSimple linen cup linen
Simple linen cup linen Sale price€50,03
Linen chalice linen embroidered IHS Grape CrossLinen chalice linen embroidered IHS Grape Cross
Lniana bielizna kielichowa z motywem ryb - ORNATY.PLLinen cup linen with fish motif
Linen cup linen embroidered linenLinen cup linen embroidered linen
Linen chalice linen embroidered with the Heart of JesusLinen chalice linen embroidered with the Heart of Jesus
Marian embroidered linen chalice linenMarian embroidered linen chalice linen
Linen chalice linen Cross ChaliceLinen chalice linen Cross Chalice
Chalice linen embroidered IHS with Ears linenChalice linen embroidered IHS with Ears linen
Embroidered Chalice Set IHSEmbroidered Chalice Set IHS
Embroidered Chalice Set IHS Sale price€64,29
Linen embroidered cup linen ChaliceLinen embroidered cup linen Chalice
Linen chalice linen embroidered CrossLinen chalice linen embroidered Cross
Linen chalice linen embroidered CrossLinen chalice linen embroidered Cross
Embroidered chalice linen ChristmasEmbroidered chalice linen Christmas
Linen embroidered cup linen ChaliceLinen embroidered cup linen Chalice
Richly Embroidered Chalice Set with IHSRichly Embroidered Chalice Set with IHS
Linen chalice linen embroidered with cross and IHSLinen chalice linen embroidered with cross and IHS
Richly Embroidered Chalice Set with IHSRichly Embroidered Chalice Set with IHS
Linen embroidered cup linen ChaliceLinen embroidered cup linen Chalice
IHS embroidered linen chalice linen with white embroideryIHS embroidered linen chalice linen with white embroidery
Chalice linen with ALFA and OMEGA symbolsChalice linen with ALFA and OMEGA symbols
Linen embroidered chalice linen with Red Cross
Marian embroidered chalice linen Gold embellishments LENMarian embroidered chalice linen Gold embellishments LEN
Gold embroidered chalice lingerieGold embroidered chalice lingerie
Linen chalice set with eucharistic embroidery eye of providence
Linen chalice set with eucharistic embroidery red cross
Linen chalice linen with gold embroideryLinen chalice linen with gold embroidery
Bielizna kielichowa haftowana bogato zdobiona - ORNATY.PLRichly decorated embroidered chalice linen
Richly embroidered chalice linen with stones. Made of linenRichly embroidered chalice linen with stones. Made of linen
Bogato zdobiony lniany komplet kielichowy z haftem krzyża i JHS - ORNATY.PL
Linen chalice linen richly embroidered with stonesLinen chalice linen richly embroidered with stones
Bielizna kielichowa z bogatym haftem maryjnym - ORNATY.PLChalice linen with rich Marian embroidery
Lniana bielizna kielichowa z haftem i kamieniami - ORNATY.PLLinen cup linen with embroidery and stones
Richly embroidered cup setRichly embroidered cup set
Richly embroidered cup set Sale price€69,60
Linen chalice linen with delicate chalice and grape embroideryLinen chalice linen with delicate chalice and grape embroidery

Chalice's Linen