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Purple liturgical chasuble decorated with gold embroidered beltPurple liturgical chasuble decorated with gold embroidered belt
Purple chasuble with gold cross embroideryPurple chasuble with gold cross embroidery
Purple chasuble with richly decorated wide belt with eucharistic chalice motifPurple chasuble with richly decorated wide belt with eucharistic chalice motif
Purple embroidered chasuble with gold IHS motifPurple embroidered chasuble with gold IHS motif
Embroidered chasuble with IHS symbol grapes PurpleEmbroidered chasuble with IHS symbol grapes Purple
Advent chasuble with candle embroideryAdvent chasuble with candle embroidery
Purple chasuble with IHS embroideryPurple chasuble with IHS embroidery
Purple chasuble embroidered with IHS chalice patternPurple chasuble embroidered with IHS chalice pattern
Fioletowy ornat ze złotym haftem IHS - ORNATY.PLPurple chasuble with gold IHS embroidery
Purple chasuble with wide embroidered gold Alpha and Omega beltPurple chasuble with wide embroidered gold Alpha and Omega belt
Purple chasuble with IHS and PAX embroideryPurple chasuble with IHS and PAX embroidery
Fioletowy ornat ze złotym haftem IHS i ozdobnym wykończeniem - ORNATY.PLPurple chasuble with gold IHS embroidery and decorative trim
Purple liturgical chasuble decorated with embroidered beltPurple liturgical chasuble decorated with embroidered belt
Purple liturgical chasuble decorated with embroidery on velvetPurple liturgical chasuble decorated with embroidery on velvet
Purple embroidered chasuble with IHS design with gildingPurple embroidered chasuble with IHS design with gilding
Embroidered chasuble with rich IHS decoration in purple
Purple chasuble decorated with 500 stones with narrow band
Purple chasuble with embroidery of the Cross
Purple IHS Embroidered DalmaticsPurple IHS Embroidered Dalmatics
Purple priest's stole with rich embroidery of grapes and spikes
Purple embroidered priest's stole Fish Bread Cross
Priest's stole embroidered cross with grapes Purple
Embroidered priest's stole Fish Purple
Fioletowa stuła kapłańska haftowana Kielich, Kłosy i Winogrona - ORNATY.PL
Purple chasuble richly embroidered with string and stonesPurple chasuble richly embroidered with string and stones
Advent embroidered chalice linenAdvent embroidered chalice linen
Embroidered purple priest's stole Purple
Embroidered priest's stole IHS Purple
Embroidered purple priest's stole
Embroidered violet stole IHS on the cross
Purple priest's stole embroidered with cross and IHS
Priest's stole purple embroidered IHS
Priest's stole purple embroidered IHS with grapes
Embroidered purple priest's stole
Embroidered Chalice Linen Purple IHSEmbroidered Chalice Linen Purple IHS
Purple embroidered chalice linen with cross motifPurple embroidered chalice linen with cross motif
Bielizna kielichowa haftowana Fioletowa IHS - ORNATY.PLEmbroidered chalice linen Purple IHS
Embroidered priest's stole IHS Purple
IHS embroidered stole
IHS embroidered stole Sale price€69,60
Priest's stole purple chalice IHSPriest's stole purple chalice IHS
Priest's stole purple embroidered Cross
Priest's stole purple embroidered Cross
Diaconate stole Cross
Diaconate stole Cross Sale price€88,39
Chasuble purple Chalice and grapeChasuble purple Chalice and grape
Chasuble with glittering embroidery in purpleChasuble with glittering embroidery in purple
Liturgical chasuble in purple with Alpha and Omega motifsLiturgical chasuble in purple with Alpha and Omega motifs
Embroidered chasuble Purple Small Cross
Double-sided embroidered stole IHS purple and whiteDouble-sided embroidered stole IHS purple and white
Embroidered Cross and Pax lectionary napkin
Embroidered lectern napkin with IHS symbol
