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Embroidered chasuble with IHS design in pinkEmbroidered chasuble with IHS design in pink
Chasuble with embroidered cross and gold trim on collar in rose colorChasuble with embroidered cross and gold trim on collar in rose color
Pink chalice veil with symbol of the crossPink chalice veil with symbol of the cross
Pink IHS Embroidered DalmaticsPink IHS Embroidered Dalmatics
Pink IHS Embroidered Dalmatics Sale price€159,08
Różowy ornat z krzyżem uszyty z wzorzystej tkaninyRóżowy ornat z krzyżem uszyty z wzorzystej tkaniny
Aksamitny komplet kielichowy w kolorze różowym z haftowanym symbolem IHSAksamitny komplet kielichowy w kolorze różowym z haftowanym symbolem IHS
IHS embroidered chasuble in pinkIHS embroidered chasuble in pink
Ornat haftowany z złotym wzorem w kolorze różowym - ORNATY.PL
Rose gold embroidered chasuble Sale price€148,01
Pink chasuble with gold cross embroidery
Pink chasuble with gold IHS embroideryPink chasuble with gold IHS embroidery
Pink IHS embroidered chasublePink IHS embroidered chasuble
Pink IHS embroidered chasuble Sale price€331,42
Embroidered priest's stole IHS Pink
Embroidered chasuble of the cross PinkEmbroidered chasuble of the cross Pink
Pink IHS priest's stole
Pink IHS priest's stole Sale price€66,28
Bielizna kielichowa Haftowana IHS Różowa - ORNATY.PLChalice Linen Embroidered IHS Pink
Ornat różowy z wypukłym haftem JHS - ORNATY.PLOrnat różowy z wypukłym haftem JHS - ORNATY.PL
Embroidered chasuble Cross and IHS Pink
Chasuble embroidered on velvet with the symbol Cross PinkChasuble embroidered on velvet with the symbol Cross Pink
Pink lectionary napkin with the classic IHS symbol
Chasuble with richly embroidered belt and collar in pinkChasuble with richly embroidered belt and collar in pink
Pink Dalmatia with Alpha Omega embroideryPink Dalmatia with Alpha Omega embroidery
Pink dalmatica with gold Pax cross embroideryPink dalmatica with gold Pax cross embroidery
Chasuble in embroidered gold crosses and piping on collar in pink colorChasuble in embroidered gold crosses and piping on collar in pink color
Sold outEmbroidered chasuble with IHS design in pinkEmbroidered chasuble with IHS design in pink
Sold outPink tablecloth for lectionary embroidered motif of the cross and IHS
Sold outServiette for lectionary with gold cross embroidery

Pink Sunday