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Embroidered chasuble for Christmas with the image of the Holy FamilyEmbroidered chasuble for Christmas with the image of the Holy Family
Embroidered chasuble with the image of the Holy Family for ChristmasEmbroidered chasuble with the image of the Holy Family for Christmas
Embroidered chasuble for Christmas with the image of the Holy Family
Embroidered stole with the image of the Holy Family for ChristmasEmbroidered stole with the image of the Holy Family for Christmas
Embroidered stole with the image of the Holy Family for ChristmasEmbroidered stole with the image of the Holy Family for Christmas
Stuła haftowana z wizerunkiem Świętego FlorianaStuła haftowana z wizerunkiem Świętego Floriana
Stuła haftowana z wizerunkiem Świętego FlorianaStuła haftowana z wizerunkiem Świętego Floriana
Bielizna kielichowa haftowana na Boże Narodzenie - ORNATY.PLEmbroidered chalice linen for Christmas
Christmas linen embroidered chalice linenChristmas linen embroidered chalice linen
Ornat błyszczący z złotym haftem i wizerunkiem Trzech Króli - ORNATY.PL
Christmas chasuble with the image of the Holy FamilyChristmas chasuble with the image of the Holy Family
Chasuble embroidered with the image of the Holy Family natural weave fabricChasuble embroidered with the image of the Holy Family natural weave fabric
Chalice linen with gold embroidery for ChristmasChalice linen with gold embroidery for Christmas
Bielizna kielichowa z haftem Świętej Rodziny - ORNATY.PLChalice linen with Holy Family embroidery
Obrus ołtarzowy z haftem Gwiazdy Betlejemskiej na Boże Narodzenie - ORNATY.PL
Embroidered priest's stole with Three Kings motifEmbroidered priest's stole with Three Kings motif
Glittering chasuble with the image of the Holy FamilyGlittering chasuble with the image of the Holy Family
Altar cloth with embroidered Advent wreath motif with crosses
Linen cup linen Christmas
Linen cup linen Christmas Sale price€57,53
Embroidered chasuble with the image of the Holy Family on gold fabricEmbroidered chasuble with the image of the Holy Family on gold fabric
Embroidered chasuble for Christmas with the image of the Holy FamilyEmbroidered chasuble for Christmas with the image of the Holy Family
Sold outObrus ołtarzowy haftowany z wizerunkiem Świętej Rodziny - ORNATY.PL

Christmas collection