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Canning veil with gold trim
Canning veil with gold trim Sale price€39,46
Veil for can with blue Marian embroidery
Chalice linen with cross and fish symbolChalice linen with cross and fish symbol
Komplet kielichowy z złotym motywem kielicha - ORNATY.PLChalice set with golden chalice motif
Canning veil with rich gold IHS decoration
Embroidered cup linen FishEmbroidered cup linen Fish
Embroidered cup linen Fish Sale price€56,10
Bielizna kielichowa lniana z haftem krzyża jerozolimskiego - ORNATY.PLLinen chalice linen with Jerusalem cross embroidery
Chalice linen with rich gold embroideryChalice linen with rich gold embroidery
Bogato zdobiona bielizna kielichowa z złotym haftem maryjnym - ORNATY.PLRichly decorated chalice linen with gold Marian embroidery
Chalice linen with chalice and grape embroideryChalice linen with chalice and grape embroidery
Chalice linen with Franciscan symbolChalice linen with Franciscan symbol
Bielizna kielichowa haftowana na Boże Narodzenie - ORNATY.PLEmbroidered chalice linen for Christmas
Bielizna kielichowa z złotym wykończeniem - ORNATY.PLChalice linen with gold trim
Chalice linen with gold trim Sale price€56,10
Bielizna kielichowa z złotym wykończeniem i haftem IHS - ORNATY.PLChalice linen with gold trim and IHS embroidery
Bielizna kielichowa z złotym haftem IHS - ORNATY.PLChalice linen with gold IHS embroidery
Bielizna kielichowa lniana z delikatnym złotym haftem kielicha - ORNATY.PLLinen chalice linen with delicate gold chalice embroidery
Bielizna kielichowa z czerwonym haftem - ORNATY.PLChalice linen with red embroidery
Christmas linen embroidered chalice linenChristmas linen embroidered chalice linen
Bielizna kielichowa z złotym haftem kielicha i krzyżem - ORNATY.PLChalice linen with gold chalice and cross embroidery
Bielizna kielichowa lniana z złotym haftem maryjnym - ORNATY.PLLinen chalice linen with gold Marian embroidery
Richly embroidered chalice linenRichly embroidered chalice linen
Chalice linen with gold Marian embroideryChalice linen with gold Marian embroidery
Chalice linen with gold embroideryChalice linen with gold embroidery
Linen chalice linen with cross and IHS motifLinen chalice linen with cross and IHS motif
Altar cloth with crosses and chalices front embroidery
Bielizna kielichowa z haftem kielicha eucharystycznego - ORNATY.PLChalice linen with embroidery of the Eucharistic chalice
Bielizna kielichowa lniana haftowana z wzorem IHS - ORNATY.PLLinen chalice linen embroidered with IHS design
Chalice linen with red embroideryChalice linen with red embroidery
Chalice lingerie embroidered with a chalice motifChalice lingerie embroidered with a chalice motif
Veil for can with embroidery of the cross
Veil for can with gold IHS decoration
Chalice linen with red embroideryChalice linen with red embroidery
Red chalice linen with Holy Spirit embroideryRed chalice linen with Holy Spirit embroidery
Komplet kielichowy bogato haftowany z motywem IHS - ORNATY.PLChalice set richly embroidered with IHS motif
Obrus ołtarzowy z haftem czołowym o motywie kłosów - ORNATY.PL
Golden chalice linen with Marian embroideryGolden chalice linen with Marian embroidery
Veil for a can embroidered in the shape of the cross IHS KWE/011
Simple linen cup linenSimple linen cup linen
Simple linen cup linen Sale price€50,03
Bielizna kielichowa haftowana Baranek Wielkanocny - ORNATY.PLEmbroidered chalice linen Easter Lamb
Linen chalice linen embroidered IHS Grape CrossLinen chalice linen embroidered IHS Grape Cross
Lniana bielizna kielichowa z motywem ryb - ORNATY.PLLinen cup linen with fish motif
Linen chalice linen with silver embroideryLinen chalice linen with silver embroidery
Obrus ołtarzowy z haftem czołowym z motywem krzyża i Ducha Świętego - ORNATY.PL
Linen cup linen embroidered linenLinen cup linen embroidered linen
Linen chalice linen embroidered with the Heart of JesusLinen chalice linen embroidered with the Heart of Jesus
Bielizna kielichowa haftowana z srebrnym wykończeniem - ORNATY.PLEmbroidered cup linen with silver trim
Advent embroidered chalice linenAdvent embroidered chalice linen
Bielizna kielichowa haftowana Eucharystyczna - ORNATY.PLEucharistic embroidered chalice linen
Embroidered chalice linen purple crossEmbroidered chalice linen purple cross
Marian embroidered linen chalice linenMarian embroidered linen chalice linen

Altar Cloths